The Serial Liar

Boris Johnson sips a pint of beer at pub in Wolverhampton, central England, on April 19, 2021.

  So the Serial Liar scraped home in the confidence vote, and proclaimed it a resounding victory, vindication etc etc.....see? More lies.

He should remember Sir John Major and Theresa May, who won similar votes by bigger margins than his and were still gone in months. The Serial Liar will be, too.
This is not about Partygate, and never was, no matter how he and his cronies try to spin it. In itself, Partygate merely proved his unsuitability for public office.
His lapdogs rave about his successes, as a "serial winner". They boast "he delivered Brexit" - yes, he did: through a bad deal that HE negotiated and signed, and decided to ignore and try to change within weeks. This in itself proves his incompetence and that he cannot be trusted. 
"He led a successful vaccination program during the pandemic" - yes, as the government's figurehead. But most of the key decisions and hard work were taken by NHS staff (remember, the ones he awarded with a paltry pay-rise that doesn't cover their car parking costs at their places of work) and scientists who delivered the vaccines. The Serial Liar was too busy getting pissed in No.10 with his staff to remember this.
"The economy is damaged because of Covid and the War in Ukraine," he lies. Yes, Covid did damage the economy (or more correctly, the financial support measures - which WERE needed, as will be the tax rises over the next several years to pay for it), but the queues at British ports, the additional costs and complexities faced daily by British exporters (who now face far MORE red tape than they ever did when in the EU - yet another one), the growing food shortages and rising costs as a result, the crisis in NHS dentistry that is leading desperate people to pull their own teeth out, and the daily flight cancellations and travel chaos all have absolutely NOTHING to do with Covid or the Ukrainian tragedy. They are all, one way or another, down to Brexit, but conveniently hidden as Pandemic Costs. See? More lies.
All the result last night shows is that a small majority of MPs are more scared of losing their seats at an election or the additional pay and privileges a Cabinet post brings in, than being honest and considerate of their constituents - remember them? The people who voted you in - and voting for the good of the country. These Members have no shame, no conscience and no loyalty except to their own self interests.  I can't wait for the Portillo Moment when the smug toes-rags like Patel and Raab and Gove and (especially) Rees-Mogg - amongst others - get their electoral come-uppance......
The Serial Liar is NOT the best man to lead the Tory Party or the country. He never has been and never will be. His fall will come as night follows day.
PS.  I tried desperately to find a picture of him looking embarrassed, but alas, there were none.  So I had to settle for this one - which is at least true to life.


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