Home comforts

It's a Tuesday in June.  So far, summer has been nothing to write about: the typical Warsaw late spring, early summer heat and clear blue skies have been few and far between.  Instead of the odd cloudburst at the end of a muggy day, we have suffered fairly persistent rainy days throughout May and into this month.  For once, England has seen better weather than here.

But today, it's been better.  Yesterday was better still, with a temperature close to 30C, but today's 27C has been fine, mostly blue skies but with cloud bubbling up now and then.  Right now, it's close to 11 in the evening, and the temperature is cooling steadily (but still a comfortable 21C).  The clouds have mostly cleared away, and there is not a breath of wind.  It's a quiet, still evening.

I'm sitting in my rocker on my 5th floor balcony, surrounded by potted plants and scented candles, blazing away.   The shared courtyard garden is deserted but in full bloom, and looking lovely in the sunshine.  Most days it's busy with kids playing in the sand area with the slide and swings and see-saws, but lockdown has put paid to that so far this spring.  Surprisingly, given how warm and pleasant the evening is, I'm the only person outside - all the other balconies are empty, their doors open to the flats and cooking smells are coming from some (mine included).  My wife is preparing waffles and whipped cream and fresh strawberries for supper.

My kids are on the floor of the lounge, with a friend who is a guest for the night, playing a board game.  School term, disrupted by lockdown during which lessons have continued via Microsoft Teams, finishes at the end of next week, so a late night won't hurt them.  The cat is strolling around, from balcony to lounge, to bedroom and back to balcony, as if she owns the place (she's a cat, so of course, she does).  My son brings me a Tyskie, a fine beer and nicely chilled, for a nightcap.  He's a good kid.

The beer tastes good as I labour at this piece, the first I've written for nearly a month.  My Muse has been away, but she's back now I think.  I hear the kids laughing at some remark, so know they are happy and content, and this is good: it makes me happy too.  Apart from that, there is a very faint traffic noise, thanks to my balcony facing into the courtyard and not out on the main road.  That view, and noise, is from my bedroom, and the bane of my life: in 15+ years living in this apartment I still can't get used to it, and it's still my 5 a.m. alarm call (despite being happily retired).  Ah, well - you can't have it all ways I guess.

Yesterday I cycled over to a small plot I have, out near the airport, to do some garden work.   It's on a big development containing at least a couple of hundred similar plots (there are many similar developments scattered around the city), and we have it laid mostly to grass with some flower beds, a couple of fruit trees and a very productive walnut tree, and there is a small but cosy cottage to shelter and even sleep in. There and back is just under 20km, so it's good exercise.  After school today, we all went over in the car, and tomorrow I'll bike again.  There is work to be done, and the exercise will hopefully help me shift the 8 kilos I lost last summer but have piled back on this lockdown.  Mind you, the barbecue we had there, and the waffles my wife has just given me - and as usual they are delicious! - is not helping that little quest.  But as my dear and long-departed mum always used to tell me, it's better to be fat and happy than thin and miserable.  She was very wise.

This is my life.  Quieter, more frugal in retirement, but I now appreciate more the important things.  I don't miss the flying and hotels and constant work pressure in the least.  I have time to enjoy each day in my own way, whether reading or writing or doing some ironing while my wife is at work.  Riding my bike.  Going for a walk. Popping into the city on the Metro (20 minutes each way) and wandering round the shops and second hand book stores and along the riverbank.

And at the end of the day, relax in front of the tv, or on the bed with some fine music and a good book.

Home.  Comfortable.


  1. Very good and informative. Good style Bob .Lucky to have your little plot and I am sure the cycling will get your weight down.


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