A request from Travellin' Bob

Afternoon all.

First up, many thanks to you folks who have had a look at the Blog.  It's most appreciated and the numbers to date are encouraging.  As indeed are the Comments that you have posted thus far - not many, but they are all read with thanks.  I'm not aiming at a Pullitzer Prize or Blog of the Year Award - nice as both would be: this work-in-progress is my hobby, something to fill my happy retirement days, keep my brain working something like normally (at least for me) and if I manage to bring some enjoyment, no matter how small, to someone somewhere then so much the better.  It will have been worthwhile.

But I can do better, write stuff that YOU want to read - I want This World, This Life to be as much yours, the readers', as mine, the writer's.  Right now, I'm filling it with stuff that I think might be interesting but it's of course a bit hit and miss - my thoughts are bound to be different to yours.  I will of course carry on doing that, but YOUR feedback will help me shape the content - please use the Contact form on the sidebar.  There's also a Comment facility at the end of each post, and I would love you to interact through that too, give some feedback, and start a dialogue that we can all join in.

Finally, there is also a place where you can sign up to Follow the Blog and hence receive e-mail notifications of new posts.  It would be great if you could all do that - it only takes a few seconds and you only need to do it once - and it will help me assess my audience, monitor its growth and tailor postings.  And please tell all your friends about the Blog, get them to take a look and Follow too.  It's an organic process!  Remember, too, there is a mobile version of the Blog, so you can keep up with and read it on your smart phone or other device on the way to and from work (once all this awful COVID stuff is out of the way and you're all back to work)!

Thanks again for your continued support - and stay safe!

Travellin' Bob


  1. Yes thanks Bob will try to give you my feedback as much as possible.


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