6 months and counting

Well, this is turning into a rum old year. If I had made any, my New Year's Resolutions would have largely been shot to hell by now, as they would have included exercising more, losing more weight (and boy, do I need to!), publishing my book and progressing the other two projects in hand (that's the memoir and the travel book), and re-jigging the ten year old and fading Around The World In 80 Expense Claims blog (this last on the basis that retirees aren't known for submitting the things). I managed to do that, at least, and you're reading the results. I'm pleased with the way This World, This Life looks, but it's struggling to be honest. I don't think the writing is particularly bad and the increase in pictorial content make it look fresher, and in any case I'm not after a Pullitzer (or whatever the blogging equivalent is). It's basically a hobby for me that I hope(d) would entertain other people too. The problem is, while the old one ...