Off with the old, in with the new - 2023

So here we are, the first post of the year - better late than never, but at least it’s not February yet. I hope you all had a good and pleasant Christmas, and a riotous New Year’s Eve (mine was sober but a nice family one), and wish you every success and happiness for 2023. As for 2022, I’m kind of glad to see the back of it. My ambition last January was to get through the year without being hospitalised, and in that at least I succeeded, despite some sciatic problems that needed some physio in a clinic, but I don’t really class that as “hospital” - so I’m calling it a win. Apart from that, at least on a personal level, not a lot happened. For a number of very good reasons, it was a quiet year. Finishing off the new place meant there was not a lot of spare cash so for the first year in my life (at least as far as I can remember) I never got to the seaside, and I’m rather surprised at how much I actually missed it. Since childhood I’ve loved the sight and so...