Refugee crises are not going away......

A few years back, when I was working in Amsterdam and Britain was unaccountably trying to leave the EU, the entire continent was engulfed in a wave of migrants trying to find a better life. Cue much hand wringing and panic stories of "terrorists" being in the vanguard. Boatload after boatload of refugees and economic migrants from across the Middle East and sub-Saharan Africa braved the Med in flimsy inflatables provided at extortionate cost by so-called people smugglers, aiming at Greece and Italy, the EU's southern outposts, from the North African coast. Thousands died but thousands more made it to islands like Lesbos and Lampadusa. There were no welcoming committees, only police and troops escorting them to transit camps, tent cities on the edge of dusty towns, where they relied on charities to provide them with food and water and medical aid. Many remain there still. The nationalists like LePen and Salvini, Johnson and Farage, Kaczyns...