In defence of the Sussexes

I didn't watch the Oprah Winfrey interview that has been dominating the headlines for the last week and a half. It wasn't shown on Polish tv - at least, not the channels I tend to watch. I suspect it will turn up on one of the Canal+ ones later - perhaps History - , next time they do a Royal Week and re-run stuff about the entire Royal Family. There was plenty of news coverage, of course, and all the little snippets that were shown on the BBC News channel and CNN were there. And I read the coverage on the BBC News and Guardian websites - at least until I got bored with the repetition. Oh, and like most people I guess, on Facebook I was invited to Like and Share a number of gushing tributes to (in no particular order) the Queen, Kate Middleton and the entire Family, all of which were to a greater or lesser degree factually inaccurate, and pillory the Sussexes for daring to speak out about something that is clearly important to them. It se...