Fact Checking or Free Speech?

I've written before about social media not being all it's cracked up to be, and definitely not the panacaea to all ills that its devoted fanboys and practitioners insist it is. For a year or two I've been vacillating back and forth between staying put and dumping it from my life - and I still am. But I think crunch time is almost upon me to make a final call. It's all to do with how people, the ones that run this stuff and in so doing generate obscene profits for themselves (and presumably less obscene profits for the minions who work for them) are behaving. I'm talking about you, Elon. And you, Zuck. I accept platforms like Facebook and Instagram and Twitter - sorry, I will not call it by its ridiculous single letter re-brand - and their various competitors serve a useful purpose to a lot of people, me included. To re-iterate, I am an ex-pat, and increasingly rarely get the chance to go back to my homeland, so Facebook is a fast and effe...