Three Books.

As ever, my Christmas presents included a couple of books, and I bought more on my trip to London over the New Year. And, as ever, the choices are eclectic, not limited to a single genre - the perils of a butteffly mind, probably, flitting from one topic to another with no rhyme or reason. A glance at my unread pile (built up over the past year or so) reveals it includes a Nevile Shute classic ( A Town like Alice) ; three Orwells in a collection of all his long fiction that I bought years ago but haven't got around to finishing yet; Moby Dick; David Copperfield; a history book about the break up of Eastern Europe, how and why it came about and its aftermath; and a thousand-odd pages of Olga Tokarczuk's epic The Books of Jacob (again, bought a year ago but still not started). So plenty to keep me going for the rest of this year, I think - and my Three Reads in a Month achieved in January - the first time for years I've managed that! - unl...