Facing trials.

Today has been a good day. It's not quite 11 in the evening, and I'm sitting on the balcony in my old and rickety IKEA rocking chair that I fear is nearing the end of its useful life. (It come to all things, including ourselves. But do not think I am coming to that stage - far from it. So please don't worry - as if you would!) The day was hot, approaching 30C I think, not bad for early September in Warsaw, and even now it's a comfortable 19C and in my old blue shorts and new black Red Hot Chilli Peppers tee, I'm warm. I have a chilled Lech beer on the table beside me, a full belly from My Beloved's cooking, and the sublime music of Mozart fills my ears. It truly is a fine ending to a fine day, and I feel thankful and satisfied with my life right now. Of course, it hasn't always been so. There have been trials to face and there will be more I doubt not. It's what we humans have to go through (probably all living things do, come to think of it). ...