Remembering Mum and Dad: All Soul's Day 1 November 2021

This a re-post from last year. The sentiments are unchanged and always will be, but I've updated it to take account of the passage of time and the Pandemic. Forget Hallowe'en. Despite all the trick or treating, crazy costumes and horror movies on the telly, here in Poland it's no more than a sideshow. Thankfully the American obsession with it hasn't reached us, at least not to the same extent. Indeed, the Catholic Church here, whose priests and nuns provide religious instruction in schools, in a country where First Communion and Confirmation are taken much more seriously than in many places (certainly than back home in Britain) openly and happily denounce Hallowe'en as being Evil, and encourage parents to ignore it and punish kids who join in the fun. Mind you, they say likewise about the Easter Bunny and Father Christmas. Which says a lot about the the shape of things here right now..... No, the big day here is the next day, November 1st...