COVID-19: Out the other side

There is light at the end of the tunnel, at least as far as my personal Covid experience is concerned. After a difficult 15 months or so, I can look to the future with optimism, and start making plans again. And about bloody time, too! I sincerely hope that this will be the last piece I write on the subject, but I’m not betting my home it: there is still way too much uncertainty out there, too many variants popping up and spreading despite all the efforts of science and medicine to stop them. We still don’t know for sure where it came from, or how; the vaccine roll out is going superbly well in some countries and appallingly in others; vaccine shortages will continue to plague the effort and there is no consensus on how often boosters will be needed…… But all things being equal, my family were fortunate to get through it relatively unscathed: just to be certain I have a full physical check up soon with particular emphasis on my lungs (that have been impaired for a few years...