The GOP's Impeachment shame

Forget Trump. As widely expected, his Second Impeachment "trial" - in reality, no more than a bunch of finger pointing and name calling - was short and ended with him being "cleared". Which is to stay the Democrats were unable to convince enough Repiublicans to agree with their contention that Trump is a serial liar, a bully, incompetent, and a dangerously unstable megalomaniac who appeals to a cerain ill-educated and weak minded section of the American population in a way that is frightening and puts the entire country at risk. It also means that he has not been barred from holding public office, and is thus free to run again in 2024 - the complete bollocks he's made of the job the first time round has been ignored so far. The verdict was made despite the Democrats making a pretty convincing case. Anyone who saw the pictures of the storming of the Capitol Buildings at the beginning of January will have been as shocked and dismayed as I was - and I'm a...