Odds and Sods Volume 1: Four Heroes

Farewell, Diego Diego Armando Maradona was not only a footballer, he was a genius. A midget. Latterly, a junkie. A national hero. Front page news as well as back page. Loved and despised - but loved more than despised (at least outside of England). As unpredictable off the pitch as on it. The only other footballer I've seen with his level of ball control and sheer on-pitch genius was George Best - and the two were strikingly similar in the way they played their football and lived their lives. Both had problems adjusting to normality once their playing days were over, and both went to an early grave (Best at 59, and now Diego at 60). Both played in an era where most defenders could be brutal in their treatment of gifted attackers like them, and could not rely on protection from match officials. Injuries, serious ones, were not uncommon and both suffered their share. Pitches were often poor, mudheaps in winter and bumpy an...