Lockdown Living

LOCKDOWN NOUN: A security measure in which those inside a building or area are required to remain confined in it for a time. - English definition, Courtesy: Collins English Dictionary, Online Edition Like most of us, probably, I had only come across the word in shoddy American tv shows and movies, typically accompanied by much gunfire and explosions, usually with Bruce Willis or Arnold Schwarzenegger in the thick of it. Then along came COVID-19. Suddenly, most of the world found itself in lockdown – and without a shot being fired. The world started to change before our eyes, in ways most of us had never believed possible. ------------------------------------------- People and governments reacted in different ways. In Europe, Italy and Spain were a bit caught out and hence have suffered the worst attrition. Britain, as usual, reacted late and arguably this cost unnecessary lives, as much as anything because the government seems to ...